Java Constructor (Part 1)

Java Constructor

Constructor in Java is a special-member function. It is used to initialize objects. Constructors are called when objects are created. If the user does not create a constructor , Java has a pre-built constructor that is called when created objects.

Rules for creating a Constructor:

The name of the constructor must match the class name.
▪  We can add parameters to a constructor.
▪  The constructor cannot have a return type i.e it is by default void. But we can write return statement in it as it can return class , we will learn about this in future tutorials.

There are 3 types of constructors:

1. Default Constructor

    If user does not implement a constructor , then when an object is created the Java compiler inserts a default (pre-built) constructor. It does not contain any code in it.  


Code We Write :

public class MyClass { public static void main(String[] args) { // creating an object called obj MyClass obj = new MyClass(); } } The Code Compiler interprets : public class MyClass { //default constructor MyClass() { } public static void main(String[] args) { // creating an object called obj MyClass obj = new MyClass(); } }
If you implement a constructor then the default constructor is no longer received.

2. No-argument Constructor

No-arg constructor is a constructor with no parameters/arguments . It is like a default constructor but only user-defined with a block of code.

 public class MyClass {  
      MyClass() {  
           System.out.println("Constructor is called !");  
      public static void main(String[] args) {  
           // creating an objects  
           // constructors invoked when objects created  
           MyClass obj = new MyClass();  
           MyClass obj1 = new MyClass();  
 Constructor is called !  
 Constructor is called !  
Here when we create two objects obj , obj1 the constructor is invoked two times.

3. Parameterized Constructor

A constructor with parameters/argument is called a parameterized constructor. One can define a number of parameters as per users need.

Here I am defining a constructor with one parameter i.e int id .
 class OtherClass {  
      int id;  
      OtherClass(int id1) {  
           // this keyword refers to id of current object  
  = id1;  
           System.out.println("The id entered is: " + id1);  
 public class MyClass {  
      public static void main(String[] args) {  
           OtherClass emp = new OtherClass(5);  
 The id entered is: 5  

Lets look at another program consisting a constructor of two parameters String empName , int empId.
 class OtherClass {  
      int id;  
      String name;  
      OtherClass(int empId, String empName) {  
  = empId;  
  = empName;  
           System.out.println("The ID of " + empName + " is " + empId + ".");  
 public class MyClass {  
      public static void main(String[] args) {  
           OtherClass emp = new OtherClass(76454, "Bob");  
           OtherClass emp1 = new OtherClass(76455, "John");  
 The ID of Bob is 76454.  
 The ID of John is 76455.  

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