Java Overview (Part 1)

What is Java ? 

Java is a multi purpose programming language that is class based and object oriented .It is intended to let application developers write once, run anywhere . Java applications are typically compiled to byte code that can run on any Java Virtual Machine (JVM) regardless of the underlying computer architecture. The syntax of Java is similar to C and C++. As of 2019, Java was one of the most popular programming languages in use according to GitHub, particularly for client server web applications.

Java was originally developed by James Gosling at Sun Microsystems (which has since been acquired by Oracle) and released in 1995 as a core component of Sun Microsystems Java Platform. The latest version of Java is Java 14 which was released in March 2020.

Why use Java ? 

1. Simple 📚:  Java was designed to be easy to use, write, compile, debug, and learn than other programming languages. Java is much simpler than C++ because Java uses automatic memory allocation and garbage collection.

2. Object-Oriented 📚: Object oriented programming is associated with concepts like class, object, inheritance, encapsulation, abstraction, polymorphism, etc. which allows you to create modular programs and reusable code. You can declare classes, create objects inside classes, and interact between two objects.

3. Platform-Independent 📚:  Java offers the comfort of write program once and run on any hardware and software platform and any Java compatible browser. This gives the ability to move easily from one computer system to another.

4. Secure 📚: Java is the first programming language to include security an integral part of the design. Java’s compiler, interpreter, and runtime environment were each developed with security in mind. Java Virtual Machine has a unique identifier that identifies the bytecode and verifies it before running it.

5. Allocation 📚: Java has the feature of Stack allocation system. It follows LIFO (Last in First Out) which helps the data to be stored and retrieved easily.

6. Multi-threaded 📚:  Java is one of the programming languages to support Multithreading. Multithreading is the capability for a program to perform several tasks simultaneously within a program.

7. Powerful Opensource Rapid Development Tools 📚: Over the year’s several open source development tools i.e., IDEs such as Eclipse and Netbeans, have been created with Java as a base which makes Java more powerful for application development. IDEs makes application development simpler with powerful coding and debugging features.

8. Robust 📚: Java is one of the most robust programming languages, that is Java is more reliable. Java compilers can detect any errors in the coding. There are also other features like exception handling and garbage collection which makes Java more robust.

9. Resource Availability 📚: There are tons of online java training courses available to learn java. You don’t have to spend a fortune to learn java programming.                                                                                    

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